

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Why is Boulder so Beautiful?

Boulder is the hotspot for great weather in Colorado. With a humid subtropical climate, bordering on a subtropical highland climate we receive over 300 days of sunshine a year! Our weather consists of a high of 65*degrees and a low of 36*degrees year round. 

There is also a unique Orographic lift in the mountains that causes the air coming from the west to dry out, this will cause a shield over the city from precipitation in the winter. This lift leaves Boulder with an average precipitation of about 19.93" and 84.7" of average snowfall every year. 

The snow that falls in Boulder also remains very shallow due to the high elevation. Also the Warm Front we receive called the Chinook Winds brings rapid warm-ups to the city. These are also known as the Pacific Northwest Winds they bring wet and warm coastal air.

Tornado of 1997, located in East Boulder
Though Colorado receives a fair amount of Tornado touchdowns a year Boulder see's very few of them. Since 1953 Colorado has seen 826 Tornadoes, only 10 were located in Boulder County. None of these exceeded an F2 magnitude. The last one on record was in 1997 in East Boulder and that was only an F0 magnitude.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! I liked how you talked about how we get 300 days of sunshine here in Colorado, one of the perks of living here. You did well at explaining some major weather forms/processes, but it would have been interesting to put exactly why Colorado/Boulder don't see many tornadoes. Either way though, you went into depth with various other weather topics, so good job!
